WHO Afghanistan Report

The Life of a Patient, The Story of a Nation
With a design that tells a persuasive story, our audiences can follow along and come to a logical conclusion. And that is the best way to deliver a message.
The World Health Organization (WHO) commissioned us to produce a pictorial on the situation of the deadly Tuberculosis (TB) in Afghanistan. One of the report’s objectives is to mobilize support for the fight against the disease.

Our design always follows a logic. For this pictorial, we chose the outer sleeve to resemble ripped carton to visually express how TB in Afghanistan rips apart families and lives. We also chose to personalize the issue and provide stories of real people struggling with the disease, with focus on an individual case of suffering; the case of Fazila
All elements – photography, color scheme, and text – complement one another and convey the stark reality of the situation in Afghanistan, and the seriousness of the efforts to stop the disease.